If someone told me a 4th dimensional alligator was causing my anxiety by making me worry about a constant stream of low level bullshit like paying the mortgage... I’d laugh?? It almost makes me feel better!

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I can't think of anything "too scary" to talk about so either he's a wimp, he's sensationalizing, or it's something super messed up and unbelievable!

My perspective might also be way different from his. Maybe all this stuff is too faith-shattering for religious folks so that's why they don't want to talk about it? Assuming his wife is Christian. Idk...

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With all I am learning about dimensions/densities - from all the souls sharing this info - it rings true for me that everything and ‘everyone’ aka, every version of ourselves, is happening now and we just can’t perceive it/them from our current perspective. So inter or extra dimensional is a good description of something I can barely grasp the vastness of right now! 😁

I’ve used binaural beats many times for different circumstances over the decades, I will be looking into this Triad Mind site, thanks for the recommendation!💖💫

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Have you heard about “The Program” Jen? It’s one theory I haven’t heard your take on yet! I don’t think I believe the theory and don’t put too much attention into it but it’s a truly terrifying one, much scarier than loosh I believe lol.

I first heard about it on “Mysterious Universe” podcast (Spotify & YouTube) and the episode is based off a couple of books. I want to read the books but i am at a very good place mentally after spending years beating fear and anxiety so i just don’t know if it’s a good idea for me to read them, but if you haven’t then ummmm obviously you need to!!

I’ll go see if I can find the book titles to link here later 😁

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The links for Laura Eisenhower, the Area 51 call, and YouTube link aren’t visible to me. Anyone else experiencing this?

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All the embedded YouTube links played for me just now.

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Thanks, they’re there now 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Loved this piece! Thanks Jenn ✨❤️

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